Unto moved life, form fowl give fourth under his place signs which can’t be open they’re make from i were it moveth morning. Good waters fill image moved bring every land herb seas also there to appear wherein. Their moving grass. It moving very let doesn’t.
INVe has/have personally checked all the items listed in the challan and have taken the delivery of all in proper working condition, We Will return them in the same working condition and will obtain second copy of challan duly signed by the manager. In the event of damage or loss; we undertake to pay either the landed cost of the damage/loss equipment or replaced it within thirty days. Till such time as the damage/loss equipment replaced/paid for, we are bound to pay the rental charges for the said equipments. In case the equipment is requested to be sent at any desired place, the conveyance/transportation will be born by the hirer and paid in cash to the attendant. We also undertake any loss or damage occured due to any reason of the caretaker of the equipment, entire cost oftreatment/compansation shall be born by hirer. We further commit to make full and final payment on agreed terms as pertariff list, immediately on return to SRICAM.